Langton Values
During their seven years at the school, students embark upon their personal Langton Journey. Together they develop a shared set of values and learning behaviours, qualities expected from all. We call these the Langton Values.
Ambitious. Confident. Independent. Creative. Four words encapsulating our mission that all students are:
- ambitious in their dreams and thinking
- confident in themselves and their abilities
- independent in their mind and actions
- creative in their problem-solving and imagination
Being a member of the Langton Family means making a personal commitment to the improvement of yourself, society and the wider world; it proudly celebrates its differences as individuals and shared history as a school. It recognises that the journey of education is one of personal and academic growth; that through perseverance, creativity and strength any challenge can be met and conquered. It understands that wellbeing is the foundation of development, and that we ignite our potential through hard work and commitment.
Our school. Our journey. Your future.