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SEND and The Learning Base
Our SENDCO is Mrs Charman and our Deputy SENDCO is Miss Russell. To contact Mrs Charman, Miss Russell or The Learning Base team please use either of the following contact email addresses:
SEND@langton.kent.sch.uk for SEND enquiries. This will reach our SENDCO Mrs Annika Charman and SENDCO Deputy Miss Chloe Russell.
thelearningbase@langton.kent.sch.uk for day-to-day updates or questions, this will reach our LSA team.
SEND Local Offer - please click HERE for information
'Information Advice and Support Kent' (IASK) can be found HERE.
They provide a special educational needs and disabilities information, advice and support service for parents/carers of a child or young person with special educational needs or a disability, and children or young people up to the age of 25 with special educational needs or disability.
FACE - please click HERE
FACE gives practical, accessible and affordable support to parents (as well as schools and organisations). Parents can access relevant advice, up to date information and easy to apply interventions, delivered via online and in-person talks, group sessions, videos and one-to-one support on a wide range of topics, including SEND.
SEND Mainstream Core Standards
Simon Langton Girls' Grammar School aims to meet the special educational needs of all our students as defined in the SEND policy which can be found within the policies area.
The school provides for students who can access mainstream education and who may have SEND that is categorised as follows:
Cognitive and Learning Needs
• Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLd)
• Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)
Communication and Interactive Needs
• Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
• Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC)
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH)
Sensory and/or Physical Needs
• Hearing Impairment (HI)
• Visual Impairment (VI)
• Medical (Med)
• Physical (Phys)
Weekly SEND briefings with LSAs have ensured the department's vision is being developed and shared. There has been a focus on training for LSAs with sessions on Dyspraxia, Sensory Preferences, Social Stories, Dyslexia, Exam Training, strategies to support students with ASC; strategies to support students with Speech and Language needs. Training sessions by the SENDCO have been delivered to new staff.
The SENDCO meets with the Key Stage 3,4 and 5 teams, senior management team, pastoral managers and academic leads every term to discuss identified students within the year groups and the interventions put in place. A rolling record is kept of the strategies offered.