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Our school has enjoyed ongoing success in relation to students’ destinations year on year. With over 80% of our students going to university, either straight from Year 13 or after one or more gap years, the university preparation programme is of great value to them. Students are also helped in the planning of their gap years to ensure that they gain the most from this opportunity as a stepping stone to higher education or the world of work.
Our success rate for all students is very high. This could be a degree apprenticeship, a valuable gap year voluntary opportunity, a vocational course, or a highly competitive course or university. Our students have gone onto success year after year.
Increasing numbers of students are heading straight into the workplace via a formal apprenticeship programme. From the degree apprenticeships including Structural Engineering at Blue Consulting, Mechanical Engineering at Jaguar Land Rover and another at BMW Mini to Accountancy Apprenticeships at Wilkins Kennedy, PWC, Burgess Hodgson to apprenticeships as wedding dress stylists, chefs, fashion retailers and those in sectors such as hospitality and catering, healthcare and tourism; our students are learning while working and earning.
Students on gap years have travelled the world: from charity work in South Africa, teaching in the Far East to grape harvesting in Australia. Students have given up hundreds of hours to volunteer: from working with special needs students, supporting the elderly in care homes, the homeless through NCS, and families in crisis to working as healthcare support workers in the NHS.
We have an incredibly high success rate for every student applying for a vocational course including: nursing, SEN teaching, midwifery, medicine, physiotherapy, occupational health, veterinary medicine, primary teaching, radiography, dentistry, nutrition and dietetics, paramedics, and so on. The comprehensive support programmes in place have helped to ensure this outstanding success rate.
Please find our student destinations information below.
Student Destinations 2021 - 2024