
Compulsory tartan box pleat skirt (waistband to be visible and not rolled over)OR stipulated style navy trousers |
*No denim or jean like material*Jean style or tight fitting trousers are not acceptable; neither are low-slung trousers, or those with wide attached belts |
Compulsory braided trim monogrammed navy school blazer |
Optional dark navy maroon trimmed v-necked school jumper |
Plain white blouse with revere collar and sleeves (long, short or ¾ length). No frills, laces, ties etc. (blouse to be tucked into skirt at all times)(A plain white vest under a blouse is acceptable but should not be visible) |
*Polo shirts are not acceptable*T-shirts should not be worn under blouses. |
Navy, black or white socks, or tights, which may be natural, navy or black to be worn in all seasons. |
*Socks should be clearly visible*Grey or patterned tights should not be worn*No socks to be worn over tights*Over the knee socks are not permitted |
Flat/practical school shoes in black or navy.The wearing of pumps, boots orplatform / high-heeled shoes is not allowed. |
*Trainers should not be worn in the school building except during PE lessons*Leather/Canvas/cotton pumps i.e. Vans or Converse are not appropriate*Flip flops are not appropriate |
Regulation uniform can be purchased online from Price & Buckland, click here to view their website for ordering.
PE kit can be purchased online from Ambition Sport, click here to view their website, or Barnums Schoolwear click here for their website.
The school holds a selection of second hand uniform. Please contact the school office.
Other points to note about uniform include:
It is expected that school uniform should be worn both to and from school to ensure students arrive prepared for the school day and represent the school in the wider community
Clothing should be worn in a manner that is safe and suitable for the work place e.g. trousers of an appropriate length and without slits, no frayed sleeves, no bare midriff
Students will be expected to adjust their clothing if it is inappropriate or even to wear a suitable alternative as a temporary measure or in extreme circumstances to return home until appropriate clothing can be found
Scarves are acceptable but should be removed in the school building
Belts may be worn but should not be visible
All items of clothing, including shoes, must be clearly named. PE kit should be initialled (certain items)
Students are responsible for their own uniform and coats
The Sixth Form do not wear a uniform
Polo shirts are NOT an acceptable item of uniform
HAIR - Hair should be worn neatly, without the addition of coloured braids, in one natural colour, and in a manner that is safe and suitable for the work place. Hair must not be in vivid colours.
MAKE-UP - No make-up is preferred but if worn, make-up should be very discreet. Students will be expected to remove excessive make-up. No nail varnish should be worn. Acrylic nails are not permitted. False eyelashes are not permitted.
JEWELLERY - No jewellery is preferred. Where jewellery is worn it remains the responsibility of the students at all times and the following regulations should be noted:
Earrings – must be small unobtrusive studs, plain colours. No hoop earrings. No more than two per ear lobe and ears should match. All earrings must be removed for PE. No other form of pierced body jewellery is allowed in school
Rings and Badges - A single discreet ring or appropriate badges may be worn
Necklaces and bracelets – should not be worn. (Necklaces only with genuine religious significance may be worn but they should not be visible). Inappropriate jewellery will be confiscated and returned at a later date. Parents may be asked to collect confiscated items
Non-uniform guidance
Non-uniform days are an excellent way for the school to raise money for our chosen charities and a source of enjoyment for our students. Dates for non-uniform days are shared within the upcoming events section of our fortnightly parent bulletin and school website. The £1.00 charity donation for each house day is paid via ParentPay.
- Shorts, skirts and dresses should be at least mid-thigh length
- Flip flops and high heels are not permitted
- Clothing should ensure that midriffs are covered
- Jewellery expectations remain the same as any normal school day, particularly with reference to any facial piercings
- Strappy tops and vest tops are not permitted
- Students will be expected to remove excessive make-up
Should a student fail to comply with these expectations they will be asked to change into spare school clothing.
Uniform Guidance
Price and Buckland Uniform Information