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Exam Information
As a school we are committed to making every student feel as comfortable and prepared for examinations as they can, as such we have put together an easy-to-read handbook to guide all students through the process. This will contain all rules, regulations and procedures students should follow when completing any internal and external examinations and should answer most questions that students may have. All students will also be emailed a copy of this handbook closer to the start of the summer exam season.
Additional Subject Entry
Please find the form below to request entry for an additional subject qualification that should be filled out and returned to the exams officer before Friday 6th December 2024.
For any additional language entry it is the responsibility of the student to find an appropriate assessor for any speaking component of the qualification and for the assessor to agree to any necessary accreditation checks as needed by the school prior to speaking assessments taking place.
Note that any sixth form equivalent qualification (e.g. AS or A level) must be discussed and approved by the Head of Sixth form prior to completing this form and their signature obtained.
Centre Assessed Marks/NEA/Coursework for External Examinations
There are specific guidelines which must be followed in regards to centre assessed marks for all students completing external examinations. Please find below the Internal Review of Marking form and our Internal Appeals Procedure Policy, which explains how to appeal a mark awarded by the school. All teaching staff will refer to these documents when sharing centre assessed marks with students, along with following any necessary guidance.
Internal Review of Marking Form
Internal Appeals Procedure Policy
Certificates for GCSE and A Level qualifications from the Summer 2024 examination series are available for collection. Please email exams@langton.kent.sch.uk giving at least one week's notice to arrange collection.
If your certificates are to be collected by someone other than yourself, please email the exams office (exams@langton.kent.sch.uk) naming the person who will be collecting certificates on your behalf and their relationship to you. The person collecting the certificates will require a form of photographic identification with them in order for the certificates to be released.
Please note any uncollected certificates are only required to be retained for a minimum of 12 months from point of certificate delivery as is in line with exam awarding body regulations.
Contacting the Exams Office
If you have any queries relating to examinations please contact the Examinations Office via the following:
Email address: exams@langton.kent.sch.uk
Telephone number. 01227 463711
Exam Policies
Examination Timetables
General Exam Information Documents
Grade Boundaries
Grade boundaries will be updated on a yearly basis in September for the following exam boards to coincide with the corresponding year group results:
- Pearson/Edexcel
- WJEC/Eduqas
Post Results Services
To be updated
Results Days
Summer 2025 dates:
A Level - Thursday 14th August 2025
GCSE - Thursday 21st August 2025