Simon Langton Girls' Grammar School comes under Kent County Council School Admissions Code.
For further information please find links below.
KCC Admissions ArrangementsAdmission to Secondary school in Kent 2025
Supplementary Form for Pupil Premium
In Year Admissions
An ‘In Year admission’ is the process whereby you apply for a place at a school if your child is already attending school and you wish to move them to another school. Applications for admission to the school at any time other than the start of Year 7 should be made via the school by completing an In Year Casual Admissions Form (IYCAF). A copy of the form can be found HERE, this must be submitted directly to the school via post or email to admissions@langton.kent.sch.uk
Applicants will be tested by the school to obtain evidence of their ability to keep pace with the work at this selective school. Students will sit Progress Tests by GL Assessment. These are computer-based tests. The tests measure students’ knowledge, understanding and application of the core subjects:
- English: focuses on students’ technical English skills (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and reading comprehension, using age-appropriate fiction and information texts
- Maths: assess key aspect of maths appropriate to the age of the student including mental maths for those aged 8 and over
- Science: measures two dimensions of science learning, understanding of science contact, and working scientifically (application of skills)
The school admits eligible students who are successful in our Admissions Tests where places are available in Years 7 – 9. Admission part way through the preparation for GCSE examinations (Years 10 & 11) is not advisable, and would only be made in exceptional circumstances where a place is available. Please be aware that places offered must be taken up within three weeks of the offer being made. We are unable to hold places for longer than this time without there being very exceptional circumstances.
Parents will be advised of the outcome of their application. Should an application be refused, parents have a statutory right of appeal and they should write to: The Appeal Panel Administrator, Kent County Council, Legal and Democratic Services, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone, Kent. ME14 1XQ
Further information can be found HERE
Sixth Form Admissions
Please click HERE to visit our dedicated Sixth Form website.