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Personal Development

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At Simon Langton Grammar School we empower students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for their holistic growth, well-being, and personal success. We nurture self-awareness, emotional intelligence, mental toughness, interpersonal skills, and our Langton values. Through our curriculum, students become confident, self-directed learners who are equipped to navigate challenges, make responsible choices, and thrive. 

Students explore their values, strengths, and areas for growth. By engaging in self-reflection exercises, goal-setting activities, and self-assessment tools, students develop a deeper understanding of themselves, their aspirations, and their unique qualities. In building healthy relationships, managing emotions, and making informed decisions, our curriculum provides opportunities for our students to understand and regulate their own emotions, empathise with others, and effectively communicate their thoughts and feelings. 

We cultivate well-being in our students, equipping them with the tools to navigate challenges and maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Our curriculum emphasises the development of coping strategies, stress management techniques, and problem-solving skills. Students will explore topics such as self-care, and strategies for maintaining physical and mental well-being. It is a curriculum of continuous growth.


Year Group

Areas of Study


Term 1: Life Beyond School and Managing Change: Getting to know your form, managing the transition, Team Building, What is a community, British Values, Careers and your future

Term 2: Relationships and Sex Education: Friends, Respect and Relationships, Consent and Boundaries, What makes a good friend, Managing friendships, Being Positive, Managing peer pressure and influence

Term 3: Health and Wellbeing: Periods, Puberty and Body development, Puberty for boys and girls, Sanitary products, Physical and emotional changes, Where to go for help and support, Understanding the menstrual cycle, Self esteem, confidence and belief

Term 4: Staying Safe Online and Offline: Harmful Sexual Behaviour, Child on Child Abuse, Grooming and county lines, Autism Awareness Month celebration, Healthy Choices: Alcohol, Smoking and Vaping, Caffeine and energy drinks. Sleep, relaxation and Mindfulness

Term 5: Staying Safe Online and Offline: Internet safety, Digital footprints - having a positive online presence, Cookies, Fomo, Nudes, semi nudes and the law

Term 6: Celebrating Diversity and Equality: Reflecting on the year, Prejudice and discrimination, Breaking down stereotypes, What is your identity?, GRT Awareness month, Pride month


Term 1: Rights Responsibilities and British Values: Desert Island Living, Building a community, Making decisions, Criminals, law and society. Understanding how laws are made, Prisons, reform and punishment

Term 2: Life Beyond School: The Real Game, Exploring careers, Managing money and working out a budget. Anti Bullying Week

Term 3: Celebrating Diversity and Equality: Protected Characteristics and British Values. Understanding Gender and Sexuality, The Equalities Act, Protected characteristics, Ableism, Removing the barriers, Racism and discrimination

Term 4: Health and Wellbeing: The Art of Growing up, The Adolescent brain, Happiness, Character strengths

Term 5: Staying Safe Online and Offline: Child Sexual Exploitation, Drugs and Alcohol - Understanding units of Alcohol, Effects of drugs and alcohol on our bodies

Term 6: Relationships and Sex Education: Being yourself and self love, Healthy respectful relationships, What is love?, Dealing with conflict, Assertive communication


Term 1: Staying Safe Online and Offline: Different types of drugs, Understanding Addiction, Classification, County Lines. Extremism and the radicalisation process

Term 2: Celebrating Diversity and Equality: Neurodiversity, Racism, Allyship, Gender and language, GRT communities

Term 3: Life Beyond School: Decision making, Choosing GCSE's, Apprenticeships, Careers, Labour market Information. First Aid - CPR and the Recovery Position

Term 4: Mental Health and Wellbeing: Understanding our mental health, Causes, Treatment, Stigma, Positive coping strategies, Self care

Term 5: Relationships and Sex Education: Healthy relationships, Delaying sexual activity, Consent and the law, Our bodies and healthy variation, Sexual harassment

Term 6: Relationships and Sex Education: Contraception and STI’s