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Our curriculum is inclusive, absorbing, relevant, varied and progressive – all of which produce active and confident students.  

Music is an incredibly varied subject, encompassing practical, listening and creative skills, self-management, problem-solving, and communicative. The curriculum has been designed to scaffold practical musical skills from Year 7 to Year 13, carefully sequenced, linking all musical activities to the act of making music. We encourage all students to take part in the extra-curricular programmes, such as Choir, Brass Group, Orchestra, Theory Club and more along with instrumental and vocal lessons to develop their instrumental/singing skills and general musicianship. The learning experiences are high quality and authentic, with clear progression routes.  

All music should be rooted in an authentic musical activity, including all theory and listening skills; hence, our curriculum is delivered through primarily practical means. Schemes of Learning from Year 7 to Year 13 have been developed to offer numerous opportunities to interweave substantive and disciplinary knowledge from the start of year 7, meaning content is embedded into students’ long-term memory. While the curriculum is incredibly broad and allows for students to explore unfamiliar musical traditions, the topics have been carefully chosen to explore the key concepts aimed at each key stage.  

Students build on their previous knowledge and skills through performing, composing and listening. They develop their vocal and/or instrumental fluency, accuracy and expressiveness; and understand musical structures, styles, genres and traditions, identifying the expressive use of musical dimensions. They listen with increasing discrimination and awareness to inform their practice as musicians. They use technologies appropriately and appreciate and understand a wide range of musical contexts and styles. 


Year 7

Year 7 Concert and Music Elements Introduction

Pulse, rhythm & dictation

Pitch Notation & keyboards

Programme Music

Music Tech


Year 8

12 Bar Blues



Rondo Form (structures)

Year 9

Film Music

Christmas arrangements

Song Writing

A brief history of Western Music


Music Lessons

Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School is fortunate to have a large team of visiting Music Teachers who teach throughout the school week. A large percentage of students have music lesson either at school or elsewhere and we actively support them in these.  Further details and appropriate forms can be found under the information menu on the school website.

Extra-curricular Activities

As a department we offer a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities for those students who want to develop their musical skills and abilities beyond a classroom curriculum. Students are encouraged to take part in our extensive and ever-growing collection of musical ensembles which include:

KS3 string Quartet

KS4 Barbershop

Junior Choir

Year 7 & 8 Orchestra

Year 7 String Quartet

Flute Ensemble

Sax Ensemble

Music Technology Club

KS3 Chamber Choir

Full Orchestra


Musical Choir

Beginner Brass

KS5 Barbershop

Reggae Band

Jazz Band

Flute Quartet

String Orchestra

Senior Choir

Theory Club

Senior String Quartet

Soul & Funk

Advanced Orchestra

Band Club

Brass Trio

Advanced Flutes

Indie Band

Chamber Choir





Outline of the Course

  • Made up of musical performance, composition and appraising.
  • Performing is worth 30% and students must perform at least two pieces, one of which will be a solo and one as part of an ensemble.  The minimum time for both pieces must be at least 4 minutes. Grade 4 equivalent difficultly is the aim by the end of year 11 for top marks.
  • Composing is worth 30% and students need to compose at least two pieces, one must be in response to a brief set by the awarding organisation and one must be a piece of free composition, the minimum time for both pieces must be at least 3 minutes.
  • Appraising is worth 40% looking at musical theory through set works including: Defying Gravity, Star Wars main theme, Killer Queen, a Beethoven sonata and more!



Type of Assessment





2 performances

Solo – minimum 1 piece – minimum 1 minute

Ensemble – minimum 1 piece – minimum 1 minute

Together total minimum of 4 minutes across the solo and ensemble pieces




2 compositions

1 to set brief – minimum 1 minute

1 free composition – minimum 1 minute

Together total minimum of 3 minutes




Exam: 1 hour 45minutes



Extra-curricular Activities: As a department we offer a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities which include several choirs, ensembles, bands, two orchestras, various chamber ensembles, jazz band and more.  We also offer many instrumental and vocal lessons to further develop their overall musicianship, confidence and sense of being.

Entry Requirements: You are usually expected to be able to play an instrument or sing to at least a grade 2 standard to take GCSE music (you do not have to have taken an exam). Anything below this standard will not usually allow you to get the highest possible mark in the performance element of the GCSE qualification. You also must commit to joining at least one of the extra-curricular music clubs to help develop your skills beyond a classroom curriculum and support with the ensemble practice side of the course. If you have any questions about your current standard or the commitment involved, please do speak to your music teacher.

A Level

Minimum Entry Criteria

Desired: 7 in Music or Grade 5 practical as a singer or instrumentalist and Grade 5 theory



Outline of the Course

Component 1: Performing

  • The purpose of this component is to assess students’ performing skills in a solo and/or ensemble context. You will be given the opportunity to rehearse and refine performances on your chosen instrument or voice, developing technical control, expression and interpretative skills

Component 2: Composing

  • The purpose of this component is to assess students’ skills in composing music. You will learn more of the processes involved in creating music through developing the technical and expressive skills needed by a composer. You will explore a range of compositional starting points, investigate a range of techniques and develop musical ideas

Unit 3: Appraising

  • The purpose of this component is to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of musical elements, contexts and language. Building and gaining the skills for an independent analytical approach you will then be able apply your knowledge and skills to unfamiliar works

Application of knowledge through the context of six areas of study, each with at least two set works.

  • Vocal Music
  • Instrumental Music
  • Music for Film
  • Popular Music and Jazz
  • Fusions
  • New Directions



Type of Assessment




Coursework – Performance: A public solo or ensemble recital of one or more pieces

Min. 8 minutes



Coursework – Composition: Two compositions, one set by the exam board, and one either free composition or also to a brief

Min. 6 minutes



Three questions related to the set works, one short melody/rhythm dictation and two essay questions based on set works and an unfamiliar extract.

2 hours 10 minutes
