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Year 6 Open Mornings and Open Evening 2024

Open Mornings

Thank you for your interest in attending one of our Year 6 ‘Open Mornings’. The mornings follow a planned route, commencing at 9.30am and finishing at 10.30am. Parents/Guardians are invited to attend with their child. Students should not attend unaccompanied. Although we would love to offer the opportunity for Year 5 families to attend, numbers are restricted which means the open sessions are primarily Year 6 events.

The morning will give you a brief overview of the school, an opportunity for a guided tour of our fantastic school building, along with the chance to meet some of our students and ask questions. We would strongly recommend you also attend the ‘Open Evening’ on Thursday 17th October 2024.

Please complete one of the following forms to book a place which will help us ensure adequate provision of tour guides. 

​Wednesday 16th October 2024

Thursday 17th October 2024

Friday 18th October 2024

Monday 21st October 2024

Please note that parking is not available on site. Parking at the 'Park and Ride' at the top of Old Dover Road is only a short walk to the school. 

Open Evening

Year 6 ‘Open Evening’ will take place on Thursday 17th October 2024 from 5.30 pm - 8.00 pm.

There will be two presentations during the evening 5.30pm and 6.15pm. Parents/guardians are invited to time their visit to coincide with one of these talks. Student guides will be available to offer a tour of the school throughout the evening. Should you find that a talk is full, please take a tour of the school and return for the next available talk.

Booking for Open Evening is not required.

Free parking has been arranged at the 'Park and Ride' at the top of Old Dover Road, which is only a short walk to the school. Please do not approach the ticket machines. The barrier will automatically rise when you depart.

Sixth Form Open Evening 2023 (5)